
STARTRC Accessories for DJI, Expand the Future of Possible.


1137750 Action Cameras Vaccum Suction Base Installation

Experience the easy installation of the STARTRC PHOTO Vacuum Suction Base, designed to securely mount your action camera, pocket camera, or panoramic camera, so you can capture every exciting moment. In this video, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of quickly installing and adjusting the suction cup base, ensuring a stable shooting experience in both static and dynamic scenarios.

  • 1、Take out the Vacuum Suction Base.
  • 2、Turn the knob on the pea pod counterclockwise to release the pea pod from the Vacuum Suction Base.
  • 3、Mount the camera onto the ball head of the pea pod (select and install the necessary accessories based on your requirements).
  • 4、Place the Vacuum Suction Base onto the surface where it needs to be mounted.
  • 5、Press the Vacuum Suction Base's button as shown in the image to secure it to the surface.
  • 6、Adjust to the desired angle, then turn the knob on the pea pod clockwise to secure it in place
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